class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # Some Hospital Background ] .subtitle[ ##
] .author[ ### Ian McCarthy | Emory University ] .date[ ### Econ 771, Fall 2022 ] --- <!-- Adjust some CSS code for font size and maintain R code font size --> <style type="text/css"> .remark-slide-content { font-size: 30px; padding: 1em 2em 1em 2em; } .remark-code { font-size: 15px; } .remark-inline-code { font-size: 20px; } </style> <!-- Set R options for how code chunks are displayed and load packages --> # Outline 1. [Admin Updates](#admin) 2. [Ownership Structure](#ownership) 3. [Payment and Coding](#payment) 4. [More Recent Interest](#recent) --- # Quick notes - Data for assignment 1 on our shared OneDrive folder, link is on Canvas - Revisit coefficient versus ATE from prior class <!-- New Section --> --- class: inverse, center, middle name: ownership # Hospital Ownership Structure <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=1055px></html> --- # Ownership types 1. Private not-for-profit: About 60% 2. For-profit: About 20% 3. State and local gov't: About 20% <br> <div class="smalltext">Source: <a href="">AHA Fast Facts</a></div> --- # What does NFP mean? From an economics perspective: - Hospital assumed to maximize some objective function, `\(u(q,z)\)`, subject to a production constraint - `\(q\)` denotes quantity of care and `\(z\)` denotes quality of care - Production is constrained by the break-even condition --- # What does NFP mean? From a practical perspective: - Profits must be re-invested into the hospital - Must show "community benefit" (no consensus definition...includes uncompensated care, services to Medicaid, and certain specialized services that are generally unprofitable) - No taxes! and tax-free bonds --- # NFP Production Constraint <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="01-1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-1-1.png" alt="Demand and Cost Changes from Increase in Quality" /> <p class="caption">Demand and Cost Changes from Increase in Quality</p> </div> --- # NFP Proeuction Constraint <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="01-1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-2-1.png" alt="PPC from Demand and Cost Intersection" /> <p class="caption">PPC from Demand and Cost Intersection</p> </div> --- # Non-profit hospitals and tax benefits - <span>$</span>24.6 billion in tax exemptions in 2011 - <span>$</span>62.4 billion in "community benefits"<br> - [Washington Post Article](<br> --- # What is a non-profit hospital? The real question is...what is the hospital's objective function? - For-profit in disguise - Output maximizers - Social welfare maximizers - Something else? <!-- New Section --> --- class: inverse, center, middle name: payment # Payments and Coding <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=1055px></html> --- # Organizing a Claim Inpatient: - DRG codes (e.g., DRG 470, Major Hip and Knee without MCC) - Procedure codes (ICD-9 / ICD-10-PCS) - Diagnosis codes (ICD-9 / ICD-10-CM) --- # Organizing a Claim Outpatient: - APCs - HCPCS codes - Diagnosis codes (ICD-9 / ICD-10-CM) --- # Organizing a Claim Office: - CPT/HCPCS codes - Diagnosis codes (ICD-9 / ICD-10-CM) <!-- New Section --> --- class: inverse, center, middle name: recent # More Recent Interest <html><div style='float:left'></div><hr color='#EB811B' size=1px width=1055px></html> --- # From today's NBER alerts - [Private Provision of Public Services]( - [Governance of Non-Profits and their Social Impact](